
Showing posts from February, 2019

Textual Poaching

For my remix, I took one of Rupi Kaur’s poems and covered all words but a few to create my own poem. It was fun, and significantly more difficult than I anticipated. I liked the end result because it isn’t something I would’ve ever come up with without the preemptive structure, but it is still original and creative in its own right. If the picture is hard to read, the poem is as follows:             As a big one is thunder,             I make meat to cut the crackle.             I’d take your eyes.             I am the whiskey             With expectations. I don’t like Ms. Kaur’s poetry. I don’t think it’s profound, or particularly thoughtful; I think it’s highly digestible, and therefore highly ...

Metaphorical Fashion

In the absence of religion and the presence of widely-held atheism, celebrities have become the new Parthenon of today’s world.

Seat Assignment: Abbie

See Abbie's prompt here . Disappointed Elated Worried Surprised Serious

Process The most interesting thing about my process project was the elimination. I thought of many ideas. Some were silly, or mundane, or private. I initially wanted to film the process of going down a set of stairs, or tying a shoe—this idea quickly bored me, even with all my ideas about filming gimmicks. Then I thought I could film the process of my fiancĂ© packing up his things at midnight each night and walking back to his apartment—this idea only last a minute or two, because frankly that’s a pretty intimate part of my life and sharing it in front a university class is not necessarily something I’m comfortable with. The project I ended up doing is a weird washi-tape creation on the living room wall of my apartment. I honestly should have just filmed the process of me trying to set up filming the process, because it was an ordeal. As I write this, there’s a chair atop a sofa in my living room, upside down, covered in spools of decorative tape. While I ...

Seat Assignment

Seat Assignment 1.      Find something on the main floor of the HFAC and look at it until you have connected it to something deeply rooted in your soul. It must be something you find in a physical location, not something you search for on a device. (Is it a piece of art that parallels your religious beliefs? Is it an askew tile in the ceiling that coincides with how you feel in social situations? Is it a person showing such earnestness in his or her actions that you feel inspired to be better or different?) Study this thing until you’ve really given all your emotions to it. 2.      Now write exactly ten words that come close to showing a) how you feel and b) what you’re seeing.

Night Your Parents Never Found Out About
