Policy Statement: Alpine

Purpose and Intent
An "interfering device" is something that's not a weapon, but could interfere with the educational process. This includes cell phones, cameras, laser pointers, or other electronic devices.


  • You will not take pictures of or record other persons without their knowledge and permission. This is especially pertinent in locker rooms, restrooms, or any other other area where person may be changing clothes or in any degree of disrobing. 
  • Teachers, principals, and other administrators will take your phone or electronic device at any point if they see fit. The cell phone may be returned as the administrator sees fit or arrangements with a parent/guardian may be made for pick-up of the device.
  • Your cell phone or device will not be on in class. 
  • Your cell phone or device will not be used to bully, harass, humiliate, embarrass, intimidate, or threaten any other person. Using your phone in this manner may result in consequences up to and including suspension. 
Please refer to the Alpine District Policy No. 5250 (Electronic Communication Devices) for further information. 

How do I help my students be aware of something as ambiguous as copyright and professionalism? How do I learn more about these things so that I can teach them?

To Do
Review the pages
Create a fun little lesson plan?! Who knows

