FINAL POST WOOT Let’s talk about collaboration, let’s talk about compromise, let’s talk about how eerily similar all the English teaching students were and how desperately I wanted to work with them because I knew it would be so easy BUT that’s okay! And I’m grateful for what I learned about group work, because it’s been a long time since I did something like this. It was good for me because when I ask my students to do group work, they will butt heads. Someone will be dominant, some people will hang back, and some people will be all in. I certainly won’t shy away from assigning group work—in fact, this class has made me a lot more invested in group work as a tool of education—but I do think it’s important to understand the complications that can come from shoving students together and asking them to create. BYU is wildly heterogeneous, but our schools won’t be. What happens when students in one gro...